DBZ Name Generator

Dragon Ball Z inspired character generated by AI

Generate the perfect Dragon Ball inspired name with the super addictive DB name generator below. To get started, choose your desired gender and pick a race from the series.

I've included all the major races and a few that are only in the manga. So proceed with caution as potential spoilers lie ahead. And, as an added bonus for you, my precious visitor, each click will grant you your current power level.


Once you've landed on the perfect name for your original Dragon Ball character keep on scrolling for some fun facts about the many different races that comprise the Dragon Ball universe.

How many races are in Dragon Ball?

At the time of writing there are at least 69 different races mentioned in the Dragon Ball anime and managa. The most popular of which are the Saiyans, Earthlings, and the Namekians.

Whatever race Frieza belongs to is also prominently featured throughout the different arcs but no official name has ever been given to them. However, some fans have dubbed the race 'Frost Demons'.

This name fits the race pefectly as all the known members of the race are based on ice puns. And, every single one of them is a pure demon in every sense of the word. The race that Beerus and Champa belong to was also not given a formal name. But given they are both clearly cats and destroy things a lot, MakeItSuperEasy.com will henceforth refer to them as 'Destroyer Felines'.

Without further ado, here is a list of all the notable races in the world of DBZ/S. Beware, there are spoilers ahead for those who have no yet completed the main anime or caught up with the manga.

  • Saiyan - Goku, Vegeta, Broly

  • Namekian - Piccolo, Kami, Dende

  • Frieza Race (Frost Demons) - Frieza, Cooler, King Cold

  • Majin - Majin Buu, Uub, Babidi

  • Android - Android 18, Android 17, Cell

  • Human - Krillin, Yamcha, Tien

  • Earthling - Bulma, Chi-Chi, Master Roshi

  • Demon - Dabura, Shula, Melee

  • Kaioshin - Supreme Kai, Kibito, Elder Kai

  • God of Destruction (Destroyer Felines) - Beerus, Champa

  • Angel - Whis, Vados, Merus

  • Yardrat - Pybara

  • Shin - Supreme Kai of Time, Old Kai

  • Tuffle - Baby, Dr. Raichi

  • Arcosian - Frost, King Cold

  • Ogre - King Yemma, Goz, Mez

  • Bio-Android - Cell, Bio-Broly

  • Konatsian - Tapion, Minotia

  • Hera - Bojack, Zangya

More Dragon Ball Name Generators and Content

For more Dragon Ball related content check out the myriad of other tools and generator on my site. Head over to the Power Level Reader to determine what your current power level is. And, if you're looking for more race specific name generators, check out the Frieza Race Name Generator, Namekian Name Generator, or the greatest Saiyan Name Generator on Universe 7's internet.

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