DBZ was a huge part of my childhood, I remember rushing home from school to catch the latest episodes on Toonami back when Cartoon Network was good.
Fast forward about 20 years and I'm now watching Dragon Ball Super with my own kids and crafting the ultimate dbz quiz below.
1. Frieza impales Krillin in the stomach while he is in which form on Planet Namek?
A: 2ndB: 3rdC: FinalD: Nigel
2. Who kills Burter?
A: Krillan and GohanB: FriezaC: VegetaD: Goku
3. When does Cell say the Cell Games will begin after his television broadcast?
A: 14 daysB: A week and 2 daysC: 7 daysD: 10 days
4. How far in the future does Trunks say he is from?
A: 100 yearsB: 20 yearsC: 19 yearsD: 200 years
5. Who does Majin Buu absorbed and become the childish, fat Buu first introduced in Dragon Ball Z?
A: Sound Supreme KaiB: North KaiC: ShinD: Grand Supreme Kai
6. What Android did Vegeta destroy?
A: 19B: 17C: 22D: 15
7. When did Piccolo first realize he was a Namekian?
A: Namek SagaB: The Saiyan/Vegeta SagaC: Garlic Jr SagaD: Raditz Saga
8. Which Android is Doctor Gero?
A: 21B: 20C: 15D: 11
9. True or False: Buu turns Chichi into an egg.
10. True or False: Recoome is the largest member of the Ginyu force.