Random Devil Fruit Generator: One Piece Fruits and Powers with Every Click!

random devil fruit

Devil Fruits are magical fruits in the lore of One Piece that give unique abilities to those who eat them. Throughout the show's 20+ seasons, there are many different devil fruits encountered.

My super powerful generator below has them all.

How to use the devil fruit generator

To get random devil fruits from the hit anime One Piece, simply click the generate button below. From there, my robots will give you a randomly generated devil fruit along with the unique powers they grant those brave (or foolish) enough to eat them.


How many devil fruits are there?

The exact number of Devil Fruits in the "One Piece" universe is not definitively known. However, it is said to be in the hundreds. Each fruit grants its eater a unique superhuman ability, often with a theme that the power revolves around.

These fruits are highly sought after and feared across the oceans. Their rarity and the diversity of powers they bestow make them central to the series' plot and the world of "One Piece."

What is the strongest devil fruit?

Debates about the strongest Devil Fruit rage among fans, as various fruits have different strengths in different situations. Some believe Logia type fruits, which allow the user to create, control, and transform into a natural element, are the most powerful due to their intangibility and destructive power.

However, the strength of a Devil Fruit also greatly depends on the user's creativity and mastery of the fruit's powers.

What happens when someone eats a devil fruit?

Upon consuming a Devil Fruit, the eater immediately gains the abilities and attributes specific to that fruit. However, they also suffer a significant drawback: they lose the ability to swim, which is a considerable disadvantage in the ocean-dominated world of "One Piece."

The body of the consumer undergoes a permanent transformation, and only one fruit can be consumed per person. Eating a second Devil Fruit is said to be fatal.

  • Pros: Devil Fruits bestow an array of powerful abilities that can be used for various purposes, such as combat, support, transportation, or everyday convenience.

  • Cons: The chief disadvantage is the inability to swim, a critical weakness in the world's sea-centric environment. Additionally, Devil Fruit users are vulnerable to the substance known as "Sea-Prism Stone," which nullifies their powers.

What devil fruit did Luffy eat?

Monkey D. Luffy, the protagonist of "One Piece," ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum-Gum Fruit). This Paramecia-type fruit turned his body into rubber, allowing him to stretch his limbs and body to superhuman lengths and bounce off attacks.

Luffy's unique application of the fruit's powers has become iconic, making him exceptionally resilient and versatile in battle.

All One Piece Devil Fruits - Paramecia Type

  • Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum-Gum Fruit): Grants the user's body the properties of rubber.

  • Bara Bara no Mi (Chop-Chop Fruit): Allows the user to separate and control their body parts.

  • Sube Sube no Mi (Smooth-Smooth Fruit): Makes the user's body slippery and repels attacks.

  • Bomu Bomu no Mi (Bomb-Bomb Fruit): Enables the user to create and detonate explosions.

  • Kilo Kilo no Mi (Kilo-Kilo Fruit): Allows the user to change their body weight.

  • Hana Hana no Mi (Flower-Flower Fruit): The user can sprout extra limbs like a blooming flower.

  • Doru Doru no Mi (Wax-Wax Fruit): User can generate and manipulate wax.

  • Baku Baku no Mi (Munch-Munch Fruit): The user can consume anything and integrate it into their being.

  • Mane Mane no Mi (Clone-Clone Fruit): Allows the user to transform into a physical copy of anyone they touch.

  • Supa Supa no Mi (Dice-Dice Fruit): Grants the user a body as hard as steel, with blade-like properties.

  • Toge Toge no Mi (Spike-Spike Fruit): The user can grow spikes on their body.

  • Ori Ori no Mi (Cage-Cage Fruit): The user can create and manipulate restraining devices.

  • Bane Bane no Mi (Spring-Spring Fruit): Turns the user's limbs into springs.

  • Noro Noro no Mi (Slow-Slow Fruit): Emits beams that slow down targets.

  • Doa Doa no Mi (Door-Door Fruit): The user can create doors on any surface, including mid-air.

  • Awa Awa no Mi (Soap-Soap Fruit): User can generate and control soap and bubbles.

  • Beri Beri no Mi (Berry-Berry Fruit): Allows the user to split their body into bouncing berries.

  • Sabi Sabi no Mi (Rust-Rust Fruit): Can rust any metal on contact.

  • Shari Shari no Mi (Wheel-Wheel Fruit): Grants the user the ability to turn their limbs into wheels.

  • Yomi Yomi no Mi (Revive-Revive Fruit): Allows the user to return to life after death once.

  • Horo Horo no Mi (Hollow-Hollow Fruit): Grants the user the ability to create and control ghosts.

  • Kage Kage no Mi (Shadow-Shadow Fruit): Allows the user to manipulate shadows.

  • Suke Suke no Mi (Clear-Clear Fruit): The user can become invisible.

  • Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Fruit): Grants the power of repulsion through paw pads.

  • Gura Gura no Mi (Tremor-Tremor Fruit): Allows the user to create shockwaves and quakes.

  • Mero Mero no Mi (Love-Love Fruit): The user can turn people into stone through the power of attraction.

  • Doku Doku no Mi (Venom-Venom Fruit): Grants the user the ability to produce and control different types of poison.

  • Horu Horu no Mi (Horm-Horm Fruit): Enables the user to control hormones, affecting themselves or others.

  • Choki Choki no Mi (Snip-Snip Fruit): The user can turn their hands into scissors capable of cutting anything.

  • Gomu Gomu no Mi (Rubber-Rubber Fruit): Bestows the user's body with the properties of rubber, allowing them to stretch their body at will.

Zoan Type Devil Fruits

  • Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Falcon (Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Falcon): Allows the user to transform into a falcon.

  • Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Bison (Ox-Ox Fruit, Model: Bison): Grants the user the ability to become a bison.

  • Hito Hito no Mi (Human-Human Fruit): Allows the user to take on a human form.

  • Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf (Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Wolf): The user can transform into a wolf.

  • Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard (Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard): Enables the user to become a leopard.

  • Zou Zou no Mi (Elephant-Elephant Fruit): Grants the ability to transform into an elephant.

  • Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Anaconda (Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Anaconda): Allows transformation into an anaconda.

  • Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon (Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Pteranodon): Enables the user to take on the form of a Pteranodon.

  • Mogu Mogu no Mi (Mole-Mole Fruit): Enables the user to become a mole.

  • Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund (Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Dachshund): Allows the user to transform into a dachshund.

  • Uma Uma no Mi (Horse-Horse Fruit): Grants the ability to transform into a horse.

  • Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Jackal (Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Jackal): The user can become a jackal.

  • Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: King Cobra (Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: King Cobra): Allows transformation into a king cobra.

  • Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus (Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Allosaurus): Enables the user to take on the form of an Allosaurus.

  • Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Brachiosaurus (Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Brachiosaurus): Grants the ability to become a Brachiosaurus.

  • Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Spinosaurus (Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Spinosaurus): The user can transform into a Spinosaurus.

  • Moku Moku no Mi (Smoke-Smoke Fruit): Allows the user to create, control, and become smoke.

  • Mera Mera no Mi (Flame-Flame Fruit): Grants the power to create, control, and transform into flames.

  • Suna Suna no Mi (Sand-Sand Fruit): Enables the user to create, control, and become sand.

  • Goro Goro no Mi (Rumble-Rumble Fruit): Allows the user to create, control, and become electricity.

  • Hie Hie no Mi (Ice-Ice Fruit): Grants the power to create, control, and become ice.

  • Yami Yami no Mi (Dark-Dark Fruit): Allows control over darkness and the ability to nullify other Devil Fruit powers.

  • Pika Pika no Mi (Glint-Glint Fruit): Enables the user to create, control, and become light.

  • Magu Magu no Mi (Magma-Magma Fruit): Grants the power to create, control, and become magma.

  • Numa Numa no Mi (Swamp-Swamp Fruit): Allows the user to create, control, and become swamp.

  • Gasu Gasu no Mi (Gas-Gas Fruit): Enables the user to create, control, and become gas.

  • Yuki Yuki no Mi (Snow-Snow Fruit): Grants the power to create, control, and become snow.

If you enjoyed checking out all the unique devil fruits and cool powers they grant, give yourself the ultimate pirate name with my One Piece Name Generator. To learn more about Devil Fruits, keep on scrolling.

Matt Irving is the CEO of Super Easy Tech, LLC.
Matt is the CEO of Super Easy Tech and creator of Super Easy CRM. He's a beast of a software engineer, tech blogger, and gamer. Feel free to connect on any of the platforms listed below.

Posted by: Matt Irving on 02/10/2024


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