Dragon Ball Daima is the latest installment in the Dragon Ball franchise and brings us headfirst into the mysterious demon realm where Dabura once reigned as king. To celebrate Akira Toriyama's final work, we've created this super-addictive Dragon Ball Daima Demon Name Generator.
To create your very own demon name, follow the instructions below.
Daima takes place just after the conclusion of the Majin Buu arc. All of our favorite fighters are enjoying some much-needed R & R when a short, little demon king transforms them all into children by using the dragon balls. Since we're visiting the demon world, we get to learn all sorts of cool things about the Supreme Kai and others.
As we learned in Daima, the Supreme Kai is a member of the Glinds. And just who are the Glinds in Dragon Ball Daima, you ask? They are a sophisticated race of demons that hail from the second demon world. According to the show, they have little reason to visit other, less wealthy worlds, which seems to indicate a bit of classism on their part.
This attitude stands in sharp contrast to the Supreme Kai, as he cherishes all life and will not hesitate to risk his own existence to protect all beings under his care. Each member of the Glind race that we've met so far has above-average intelligence and holds a significant place in their respective world's hierarchy.
They are all likely to have heightened fighting powers, ki control, and the ability to fly. It's also possible they possess the ability to communicate telepathically, like the Supreme Kai. Though, this could be exclusive to the Kai as it may result from having divine ki.
The Dragon Ball series is my favorite anime of all time. It inspired me to create tons of tools, generators, quizzes, and name generators all about its unique characters and lore. My most popular tool is the Saiyan Name Generator. With each click, you'll gain an original Saiyan name, power level, and highest achieved form. And if Saiyans aren't your speed, check out the Namekian Name Generator or the Frieza Race Name Generator.
Posted by: Matt Irving on 11/10/2024
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