How to Unlock Meteor and Comet Fast in Botworld Odyssey

Meteor Botworld Odysset

I found some time over the holiday break to grind for the star fragments needed to assemble the Legendary bot Meteor in Botworld Odyssey. And let me be the first to tell you it is exponentially easier to unlock this tanky beast in the Switch port than the original mobile title.

The reason for this lies in the spawn rate for star fragments in the Danger Zones. For me, roughly every 2 to 3 trips to the Danger Zone triggered the appearance of a star fragment. Now, I have not been able to confirm if the spawn rate increases after unlocking Exterminator Squads, but in my experience, it certainly seemed this way.

For those seeking to unlock Meteor or Comet for themselves, follow this super simple guide to claim their botframes for your collection.

How to trigger star fragment spawns in Botworld Odyssey

Unlocking Exterminator Squads seems to be the fastest way to trigger star fragment spawns in the game. Beware, however, you should have your bots and those of your recruits as close to max level as possible. All the bosses are 3 to 5 levels above the max you can obtain (level 30). And their minions and wild bots appear frequently.

The best area to trigger these events seems to be the Molten Rock zone. In my opinion, it's also the easiest to traverse given the multitude of things to hide behind and avoid enemies. Lava also spews frequently, providing some much-needed chip damage to enemies.

How to farm star fragments in Botworld Odyssey fast!

To farm star fragments as fast as possible, here are the prerequisites you'll need.

  1. Boat Level 15 - This is a requirement for unlocking Exterminator Squads.

  2. At least 10 max-level bots - More is always better, but your team will need to be max level, and your recruits will need to be as well. The bots in the end-game danger zones are the strongest in the game, regularly exceeding level 32.

  3. Virus and Hack botpack powers - When you're outnumbered or under-leveled, turning enemies against each other can be a game changer.

  4. 2,000+ Coins - When you unlock the final bot, Danger Zone canisters will only cost 250 coins for 5. It's a great deal, and having a decent stock of coins on hand will enable you to grind through zones for hours on end.

Once you've got the minimum required levels, recruit loadouts, and recommended botpack powers, it's time to start grinding. Grab your favorite caffeinated beverage and set the danger zones ablaze.

How to obtain the Meteor or Comet Botframe

You'll need a grand total of 50 star fragments to have Corpornicus (I think that's how it's spelled) in Fall Grove build a legendary botframe for you. Fortunately, in Botworld Odyssey, the fragments come in sets of 3. This is a nice improvement over the mobile port, enabling much faster star fragment farming.

Once you have all 50, the fight isn't over. In addition to the 50 star fragments, you'll need another 10 cosmic cores. Fortunately, these are not nearly as tough to find. To find these, simply defeat 10 mega bots from anywhere in the world. I found the Vivid Valley zone the easiest place to find Mega Bots, as the first half of the zone can have up to 3 Mega Bots.

Climb the solo rankings with your new legendary bot

Once you've built either Meteor or Comet, you're sure to see many more victories in the Solo League and beyond. Each bot packs an insane amount of power, a unique AI path, and powerful abilities that help you control the battlefield. If you're looking for great teammates for Meteor and Comet, check out our guide on unlocking and using Surge in Botworld Odyssey.

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Matt Irving is the CEO of Super Easy Tech, LLC.
Matt is the founder of Make It Super Easy and and Super Easy CRM. He is a passionate software engineer, tech blogger, and gamer. Feel free to connect on any of the platforms listed below.

Posted by: Matt Irving on 12/29/2024