Surge is the latest bot from Botworld Adventures/Odyssey. It's an Epic rarity brawler with massive attack power and unique abilities. Like most Epic rare bots, locating its frame requires a good bit of luck and plenty of launches. But when you find one, he'll be a powerful addition to your team.
Surge can be found in Spore Woods; while exact locations vary, mine spawned in the area closest to the launch pad in Fungal Hills. This is the area where you find Virus and Fork.
When he spawns, you won't be able to miss him, as his level will be roughly 2–5 levels higher than you are, and he'll be a brilliant gold, as all Omega Bot spawns are. Beating him is no walk in the park, but it's certainly doable if you have the strategy. Here's the one I used to nab his botframe.
First, like all fights, be sure all your bots are roughly at the same level. If you overlevel one or two and leave the rest weak, your defeat is all but guaranteed. Surge is strong and large but isn't the fastest bot around.
Be sure to bring botpack powers that slow his movement, like Hack and Deep Freeze. Poison damage is also welcome to help you chip away at his giant health stat. Here is the setup I used.
If you don't have or like Rocketeer, Scatter or Frosty can be swapped in. The idea here is to use bots that can halt Surge's movement. He doesn't have ranged abilities, so if you can keep him from getting too close, you should win. Here's the botpack power loadout I ran.
Hack Bolt
Deep Freeze
Glacier Path
Depending on the terrain and how the Surge bots are clustered, you'll want to drop Flamer in as close as possible to gain some early damage by leveraging his Hotdrop ability. From there, use Rocketeer or another bot with knockback damage to keep the horde of Surges at bay.
Keep chipping away and be sure to hack a bot or two whenever you can, and you'll eventually win and score a powerful new ally. Once you have him, you may be wondering what the best AI path for him is. And fortunately for you, my dear visitor, I've got the best AI for Surge in Botworld listed below.
If you're playing Botworld Odyssey, focus on skills that bolster Surge's attack power. The AI path will have the same results, regardless of whether you are playing the mobile or Nintendo Switch title.
Sharper Claws - Gives Surge a 30% boost
Surge Strike - +30% attack power after Power Charging. This stacks for each botpack power you've used.
Energy Upload - Power Swipe will grant you an additional botpack power.
Pummeling Charge - Power Charge damage is increased by 50%.
Power Cycle - Power Swipe starts the battle at 50% charged.
If you enjoy Botworld and other monster taming content, you're in the right place. Head over to our guide on unlocking Phantom in Botworld Odyssey or learn how to use the best Splasher in the game in our Sheller strategy guide. To be among the first to know about new strategy guides, free tools, and generators, kindly consider subscribing to our newsletter below.
Posted by: Matt Irving on 12/23/2024
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