Tamer's paradise is located between Arbury and Cipanku. It is only accessible after you complete the main storyline.
You will access it as you progress through the Coda: Poisoned Legacy quest and battle the neo-Belosotos. This the quest that requires you to locate a missing Temtem.
To unlock Tamer's Paradise, follow the Poisoned Legacy quest. You don't need to complete the Coda: Archtamers quest to access it. Trust me, I learned the hard way and spent about 3 hours or so going through it!
Poisoned Legacy may be labeled differently on your game and appear as another quest. However, there will always be only 2 main quest options, so just choose the one that is NOT labeled Code: The Archtamers.
Here are the quests and sub-quests that need to be completed before accessing Tamers Paradise for the first time.
Making it to the new took me a few hours but it was certainly worth it. In completing the various sub-quests you will encounter NPCs that give you 10,000 Pansuns each!
Posted by: Matt Irving on 09/06/2022
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