How To Unlock Tamers Paradise

where is tamers paradise in temtem

Where is Tamer's Paradise?

Tamer's paradise is located between Arbury and Cipanku. It is only accessible after you complete the main storyline.

You will access it as you progress through the Coda: Poisoned Legacy quest and battle the neo-Belosotos. This the quest that requires you to locate a missing Temtem.

How do I unlock Tamer's paradise?

poisoned legacy quest temtem

To unlock Tamer's Paradise, follow the Poisoned Legacy quest. You don't need to complete the Coda: Archtamers quest to access it. Trust me, I learned the hard way and spent about 3 hours or so going through it!

Poisoned Legacy may be labeled differently on your game and appear as another quest. However, there will always be only 2 main quest options, so just choose the one that is NOT labeled Code: The Archtamers.

Here are the quests and sub-quests that need to be completed before accessing Tamers Paradise for the first time.

how to unlock tamers paradise

Making it to the new took me a few hours but it was certainly worth it. In completing the various sub-quests you will encounter NPCs that give you 10,000 Pansuns each!

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Matt Irving is the CEO of Super Easy Tech, LLC.
Matt is the founder of Make It Super Easy and and Super Easy CRM. He is a passionate software engineer, tech blogger, and gamer. Feel free to connect on any of the platforms listed below.

Posted by: Matt Irving on 09/06/2022